Sunday started off like all other ...just without that extra hour! We got up, everyone got ready for Church, and we were off to a great start ! When we arived at Church and we walking towards the childrens area Savannah spotted Mrs. Robin ("My Obin" as she calls her) and she took off! She loves Mrs. Robin...It would be hard not too! She's Awesome! And her girls are just adorable and love our Breanna and Savannah so! After Church we headed fhome to change clothes for the PARK! Savannah's favorite thing to do now! We stoppped along the way for lunch then headed to Oxford Park! This time I had camera in hand and was ready for some good pics! And I got a few! Savannah got tired quickly and wasn't cooperating so I ending quickly! A girls gotta have her rest! Sunday afternoon we finished up some decorating ...new light fixtures! WE are almost doen ..only our room and Bres to go ...I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!
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