Yesterday was pretty norm ...we really didn't do anything special! After dinner we did decide to go out and play some ping pong in the yard....way too much exercise involved !! Thats ok though becase not long after we started Savannah decided she wanted to relieve me so she and sissy played for a lil while! That is until the dog heard us playing and figured out how to get out there with us! So, it was very chaotic to say the least ...he needs medicine for his ADHD but I just can't bring myself to calling the vet and telling him! :) He got way too excited and things turned BAD quickly ! Savannah got knocked down and he bit her face ....nothing serious but Daddy stepped in and I don't think he will ever hurt her again! He knew he did wrong and was very upset....I'm his mommy I could tell his heart was broken and he didn't mean to hurt her! He just doesn't realize his strength! Though if it does happen again Mommy will step in and he will be outta here! Can't have my babies getting hurt accident or not!
Anyway, after all that commotion I decided to grab a few quick pics of Bre....she is so very photogenic ...and Savannah could care less! Bre always take good pics !
Then it was time for baths and our day was gone! Hope you enjoy! Until next time! I'm out!!
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