We found out on December 17, that baby #3 is a BOY!(we found out a bit early at only 14w/6d, so lets just pray it was accurate!;) ) Although, Jason and I both had hoped for another girl (Him because he loves his daddy's girl and me because we had the most precious name picked and who doesnt love the cute girly cloths and bows?) we are excited to be having a boy! We are having the hardest time trying to decide on a name. I have some that I adore, as does he! It just stinks because they don't go together well, if they did we would be set! I'm glad I decided to go ahead and find out in December rather than wait until the end of January! At least we have a little more time to ponder the perfect lil name! I will go back for a routine check-up on the 14th of January and then return for the Anatomy ultrasound two weeks later. Let's just hope it still reveals boy! :0) Until next time, Keep Christ the center of your life!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It's a baby "Bean"!
Posted by cbryant81 at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tutu's for Sale

Posted by cbryant81 at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Trying to lose weight stinks!
Quite litterally! I have sweat more than I have ever have in my life at the gym.....but according to what I have read this is a good thing for pear shaped women! I am now down 17 lbs. whooo...And you wouldn't believe how hard it has been! I am ,as of yesterday, back to the weight I was when I became Prego with Savannah so, that was a huge milestone for me! Just never thought I would get back there again! My Goal has changed a lil ..in the begining I had this idea I was going to be able to lose 3 lbs a week and at first I did...but then it all slowed down and I'm now 1.5 - 2 lbs a week ! So my goal now is to just lose another 10 lbs before leaving for the beach(in 5 weeks ) !!! We'll see how that goes!! All together I want to lose at least another 17-22lbs.....do-able I hope!
Sorry this post was all about me but this is the only documentation I will have so thought I better put it to good use! :)
Posted by cbryant81 at 11:18 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Once again I've fallen behind!
This is a busy week for us. The normal stuff always keeps us busy .! (Kids, J's work, gym, walking) This week has added an early Tuesday night practice for Jason at Church and a Wednesday night meeting for me because I will be volunteering at VBS next week ! I'm super excited about this oppurtunity to share God's love with the lil ones! Saturday will be the kick off party at the pool , which the girls are thrilled about! Sunday evening is the beging of VBS , so keep me and all the other teachers in your prayers! I thought it was great that they made bracelets with all the teachers names on them and we are to pray for whoevers name we got . So, somewhere out there today and all next week someone is praying for me and I don't even know who it is! Guess what Im praying for you (Debbie Stanton) ! I think i;m going to get her a gift and introduce myself ! How fun!! Hopefully Jason and I can get some alone/quiet time soon!:)
Posted by cbryant81 at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Has it really been that long?
Wow! I completly forgot about my blog world! We are so extremly busy these days. Jason's weight loss jouney is going very well as of today he is down 53 lbs.(since surgery) 86 lbs since this time last year! WHOO HOO way to go baby bear !! Since my last post we have started going to the gym ! I ,along with him, am starting a new healthier lifestyle. As of today I am down 13.12lbs. I am so close to being back to the weight I was before Savannah. (Only 4 more lbs.) I'm not stopping there I will soon be back to my before Breanna weight ! (only 25lbs) :). That seems so far away but very do-able! I am quite litterally working my hiney off!
We are getting excited about school being out for summer in 1 more day!! YEA!! Breanna is having a "Schools out for Summer" party on Saturday ! She invited all the girls from her class for last "all together time"! Her Best friend will be staying the night and attending church with us in Sunday! This excites Breanna very much! Breanna has grown so much this school year ..inside and out! Jason and I are very proud of our girl .
Savannah is just as wild and crazy as ever! She is too smart for her own good! We attemped potty training a couple days ago and stopped because after much "mommy/daddy" discussion we decided it was too soon. She is just too gorgeous for words. Her hair is so long now and I love it! Hair bows galore ...makes mommy happy! (big ones at that) I must leave you now before Savannah has a complete melt down ! (she needs to go walk-walk strollie!)
Until next time...Keep God FIRST!
On our knees ,
The Bryants :0)
Posted by cbryant81 at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The 'BIG' day is near!
Yes, that is a fat joke!(inside joke) Tomorrow is the day, my hubby will soon be a healthier, happier , and skinnier Baby Bear! He is not acting nervous at all and I'm trying to hold it in so I don't make him nervous! I love him more than any earthly thing! He is my heart, my #1 , my everything! We are excited about the changes that will take place in our lives because of his surgery! More exercise and outdoor family fun! Send up a prayer for us tomorrow and in the days following as I know it will be hard but I also know that Gods Will is being done ! I just pray that Gods Will be done yesterday, today and tomorrow and it shows in every step we make! God has been/ is being so GOOD to us. We are extremly blessed and give all the glory to HIM ! Thankyou Jesus for being my rock, My salvation, my comforter, my all in all because without you I am nothing! It wasn't until we COMPLETLY SURRENDERED ALL that we could see how marvelous and wonderful you have been/ are being to us! Thankyou !
Today/Tomorrows prayer from my mouth to your eyes and ears Jesus:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please BE the hands of the physicians, protect my one and only, wrap your arms around Jason and any other family members/ friends who need you today and show them your unfailing love. Lord please watch over my Sister Stacy as she travels here and back with my Lil ones! Over all lord, I pray that Your Will be done above all else! For it's in Jesus' name we pray! AMEN!
Posted by cbryant81 at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pictureless blogging :( Sad
So, since I last wrote , tragedy struck ....My camera has fallin and can't get up! I cried my eyes out ...never realized how attached I was to that camera ! It was our 2nd (dating) anniversary gift from Jason ,so it meant a lot to me! I have looking a new ones but way out of my price range! I guess it will have to wait for now!
On another note ,Savannah is doing good with the potty! She semi-knows when she needs to go ...she strips and come running screaming "peepee potty hur up " God love her she thinks she has to hurry but when we get there it takes several minutes for peepee to come! :) Still hit or miss most days we still have accidents in our diaper...another 3-4 weeks and we are going 'full on' panty mode! She got her first panties the other day 'DORA' of course and she was so proud ! When Jason got home I told her go tell daddy what you got today ...she runs down the hall and stops at his feet looks up and say "dorie pansies" ! Again I can't get enough of her talking ! I'm laughing all day long at that child!!
Breanna got her 3rd nine week report card a week ago and made all A's again!! So extremly proud of her ! She has a 99 in language ... I hated English in school maybe she will be opposite! Her lowest grade was a 95 . I hope and pray she keeps up the good work throughout school! She really loves report card day because Nanny, pop, BB and Pops all give her ten dollars per A , so she gets big bucks $ 50 per grandparent CRAZY!! She is saving it though ...she want to get lots of stuff at the beach this summer ..including and hermit crab...Yay ...:) NOT Trying my best to talk her out of it!
Schools out tomorrow so Im sure we will be park hoppin all day! Lots of good ones in our area! Never know may do something really cool ...I like spur of the moment plans just me and my girls! Mommy daughter day ! FunFun!! Don't get me wrong we love daddy to come to but somebody's gotta support the princesses!
Until next time ~ Christie
Posted by cbryant81 at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Outside time and a small photo session!

Then it was time for baths and our day was gone! Hope you enjoy! Until next time! I'm out!!
Posted by cbryant81 at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dentist Galore! (Monday)

Posted by cbryant81 at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday at the park

Posted by cbryant81 at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Another day in the neighborhood!
Today has been great so far ! We got up at 7am, got Bre off to school, then Savannah woke at 7:35 ! Pretty much the norm sitting on the couch chillaxin' with Vannah when she jumped up and said "need slide down wee" this means I need to go to the Park .I started this yesterday and she LOVED it! So we got dressed and hit the walking trail at 9am. We walked our 3 miles then stopped by the park on the way back , just like yesterday! Today we played longer since it would be nap time when we arrived back home! She is now on the 1 Nap a day schedule and that begins at 11am! Poor child can barely make it to 11am! (unless there are others around or something new to keep her occupied)! When she wakes from her nap we plan to go to the Daycare where she goes for Moms Day Out and look at the pics we had made on Wednesday! I already got a sneak peak from the company and I KNOW what I want! We are not ordering for anyone but US so, if you don't get one you're not alone! We are taking them both to the same place next weekend for pics together for Easter! Everyone will get these! PROMISE! Incase you haven't noticed i'm trying to blog daily and get back in the swing! Hopefully I can add a pic from the park soon ...charging the camera now! well I guess thats all for now...Peace out!
P.S Yesterday we tee tee'd potty twice YAY!! and today she has already gone once so hopefully 3 times today ! She knows what to do ..just not how to tell me ..we are getting there though!:)
Posted by cbryant81 at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A fun day out...and weight lost!
So today I weighed and i'm down 7.5 pounds since last Thursday! I am to say the elast very proud of myself ...but getting a little tired of the salads and lean pockets:)! I know though this time I can do it with prayer and God on my side I hope to lose 30 more pounds by July..But over all I want Gods will to be done in my life ..If he has other plans obviously my weight loss can wait!
On another note Savannah and I finally got to enjoy this gorgeous day outside! We went for a 3 mile walk and stopped by the park(which is located on the walking trail...How convient) She loved playing on the swinging bridge and the slide. They also have this purple rocking dinosaur ..that she cried for when we left...She likes to call him BARNEY LOL! She is just too cute these days ! She is repeating every word that comes out of my mouth ...Guess I better start watching what I say! :) She has also started using the potty some this week ...she really likes getting M&M's when she goes tee tee potty ! :)
Now we are just sitting at home waiting on sissy to get home from school so I can go get some more diet foods at the store and some Healthy Subway for dinner!!! :) Love it when the hubby wants to eat out!Make my load a lot lighter! Thanks babe I love you more than word could ever say!!
Posted by cbryant81 at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
28 on the 28th!
Wow!!! What a wonderful Birthday I had! We started our day by waking at 5:30 am , so we could be on the road by 6:30! My husband always treats me like a Princess, this day was no different! I was in the bathroom getting ready and I hear giggling outside the door I opened the door to find Breanna And Jay standing there with cards and a huge gift bag! I have to say the cards almost made me cry ....I'm a sucker for hearing how much my Husband loves me and to have it in writting ...even better! He gave me a back masager ..God love him I guess he's tired of manually doing it...though he never complains! It was a off to a wonderful start! I'm a stickler for a structured schedule , so when we were out the door on time I was a Happy Mama! We stopped in B'ham to have breakfast with BB and Pops at Cracker Barrel...My all time favorite place for Breakfast!! And they surprised me with having the servers sing to me ...I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Thanks a bunch for my Gift card too! Can't wait to go shopping kid-free! We were only there for about an hour ...then off to Nanny Bug and Papas house! We arrived at around 10:30 am ! Thanks Jay for putting the petal to the metal to make up for lost time! He knows the sooner he can get me there the happier I am!!! I miss living close to them...I love themALL so dearly and miss seeing them ALL! Papa arrived not long after we did (from work) but to say the least he was EXTREMLY happy to see his girls and Favorite Son in Law!! My daddy and Jay get along so well you would think he was his own!! THANK GOD!! I love to see them together it makes my heart melt and makes me remember why I love my hubby so! So, we just hung out and I opened gifts/ cards ....Thanks Tacy for the clothes you know me so well!! Mom and Dad you can never go wrong with CASH!! Thanks for the cake too so much for dieting around ya'll!Thank you all so much!! At around 3 Pm I started getting ready for our night out! We left at around 4 pm ...The girls stayed with Mom And Dad ....You will never know how much I appreciate you giving Jason and I time Alone to fall in love all over again! I think I Fall in Love with him all over again daily ....its just easy to do! We arrived at our dinner location just before 5 because they didnt open until 5 and decided to go ahead in because the parking lot was packed already! Good thing we did because we were able to get one of the last available tables over looking the Black Warrior River! It was very special ..peaceful...wonderful! Thankyou Baby for making my day special, loving me so and being the Godly man I get to watch you become! I'm thrilled to be spending the rest of my life with you ! Thank you God for sending/saving such a Precious Husband for me! After dinner he took me to do my favorite thing .....SHOP!! After that we returned home( to Mom and dads...but that will always be home to me!:( ) to two beautifully rotten little girls whom I love more and more everyday! Thankyou God for my lil Miracles!! They are so Precious to me!! ALL TOGTHER I HAD THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER ...THANKS TO ALL THAT MADE THAT HAPPEN ! I LOVE YOU ! ( I'm sure you will hear from me again after the 14 th which is our Wedding Anniversary ) :)
Posted by cbryant81 at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's been a while
Not a whole lot going on with us these days. Wednesday was eventful though. Jason came home feeling bad...like he may have kidney stones. So he left soon after arriving home from work to go to an after hours clinic...thank God fo r our friend Kay she works there and got him in and out quickly. Then upon arriving back at home he picked Savannah up to notice that she felt a bit warm . I checked her out and sure enough 102.5 temp. The next day I made an appt. with her doc whom told me it was nothing but a cold and she would have to ride it out. I'm a mom and I know my girls it was more than just a cold to me. So her fever continued throughout the weekend and on Sunday I gave in and took her for a second opinion. The after hours clinic on Sundays is no fun! To say the least it was PACKED! We sat for 2.5 hrs before being seen but i'm hardheaded and knew something was causing this fever ...AND I WAS RIGHT! They took her in did a nose/throat swab...then blood work and a chest xray...They are way more involved than her pediatrician (hints the search for a new one) . Her Dr only did a throat swab! Anyway come to find out she an ear infection and some infection in her throat from the drainage! So , with antibiotic in hand we headed home. Total time spent in office 3.5 hrs. We arrived home @ 4:40PM. We all get settled in and decide this day had flown by so Pizza (pizzy as Savannah calls it)is whats for dinner. We eat and head off to the shower/bath ...then to bed! Just when I think everyone is asleep, I hear Mommy my throat hurts so bad I can't sleep! SO HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!! Breanna claimed to feel a lot better thismorning but this child has had bad experiences with drs. and wait s to the last minute to say she wants to go! She as Big as me almost there is no just taking her anymore it has to be her own will!
P.S. On a brighter note.....Sassy gave up the paci...72 hrs and counting without it!
Posted by cbryant81 at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Yesterday was avery important day for Our family(minus Savannah) we were all Baptized! Plus two of our Church friends were Ordained! Wow...God is good! My personal New's Years Resolution was to grow closer to my Savior Jesus Christ! I think we're off to a decent start so far. I'm so very happy about the things I have seen God doing in our lives , My husband especially. Jason and I presented Breanna with an engraved cross necklace that said"With God All Things Are Possible" She loved it. She did great with her Baptism, though she was extremely nervous. We have a ton to be thankful for and are an Extremly Blessed family. God Bless (I will edit and post pics soon)
Posted by cbryant81 at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I stole this idea from Laura!:)
A year in Review:
Breanna and I ring in the new yr alone(Daddy and sissy can't hang with us)
Breanna turns 7
Savannah turns 6 momths
Valentine's day(First date nigt since having Savannah)
My bday was on the 28th(surprise party at my moms house)
It was a leap yr.
Savannah turns 7 months
Savannah's 8 months
Aunt Stacys bday
My husband and I celebrate our anniversary on the 14
Aunt Stacy celebrate her first yr of marriage on the 17(Way to go ..you made it)ALIVE!
Savannah turns 9 months
Moved in with family..until our BIG move to Weaver.
Savannah took her first steps
Savannah 10 months
Josh's bday
Schools out for summer
Savannah 11 months
Mom and dad celebrate 30 yrs of marriage(rare these days) WAY TO GO!!
Vacation to Chattanooga for 5 days! FUN
Daddy turns 31 on the 1st !
Savannah Turned 1 (25th)! My baby grew up too fast!
12 month check up and 3 shots for Savannah
We moved to Weaver Al
Schools starts back(guy teacher) She loves him!
New School (WES)
New Friends( we love our Amira)
10th moms bday the big 47!
We now travel only once a monthh to see my fam since we are now 3 hrs away! Makes me SAD:(
Breanna gets new Doctor(seems to like him)
October: (our busy month)
Breanna makes A-B honor roll
8th Tiffanies bday(26)
15 Daddys bday(54)
17 pops bday(54)
23 Jeremies bday(30)
30 Grandaddy's bday(?77?)
Became Church Members at Eaglepoint Church J'Ville Al.
Thanksgiving with my fam the weekend before t"day
Jason's fam on T' Day
Went to Pine Mt Georgia for "Fantasy in lights"!
15 month check up for Savannah and 2 shots
Went to Noccolula Falls for "Christmas at the Falls"!
Christmas with my fam on the 20th
Jason's dad on the 20th (night)( the girls loved the bounce house and rocking horse)
Jason's moms on the 21st(brunch) Too many toys not enough time to play with them all)
That sums up our Year!!~ Hope 2009 Find you all well~
(~this may ne edited at a later date this was only things on my mind at the time~)
Posted by cbryant81 at 10:50 AM 0 comments