Monday, February 9, 2009

It's been a while

Not a whole lot going on with us these days. Wednesday was eventful though. Jason came home feeling he may have kidney stones. So he left soon after arriving home from work to go to an after hours clinic...thank God fo r our friend Kay she works there and got him in and out quickly. Then upon arriving back at home he picked Savannah up to notice that she felt a bit warm . I checked her out and sure enough 102.5 temp. The next day I made an appt. with her doc whom told me it was nothing but a cold and she would have to ride it out. I'm a mom and I know my girls it was more than just a cold to me. So her fever continued throughout the weekend and on Sunday I gave in and took her for a second opinion. The after hours clinic on Sundays is no fun! To say the least it was PACKED! We sat for 2.5 hrs before being seen but i'm hardheaded and knew something was causing this fever ...AND I WAS RIGHT! They took her in did a nose/throat swab...then blood work and a chest xray...They are way more involved than her pediatrician (hints the search for a new one) . Her Dr only did a throat swab! Anyway come to find out she an ear infection and some infection in her throat from the drainage! So , with antibiotic in hand we headed home. Total time spent in office 3.5 hrs. We arrived home @ 4:40PM. We all get settled in and decide this day had flown by so Pizza (pizzy as Savannah calls it)is whats for dinner. We eat and head off to the shower/bath ...then to bed! Just when I think everyone is asleep, I hear Mommy my throat hurts so bad I can't sleep! SO HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!! Breanna claimed to feel a lot better thismorning but this child has had bad experiences with drs. and wait s to the last minute to say she wants to go! She as Big as me almost there is no just taking her anymore it has to be her own will!

P.S. On a brighter note.....Sassy gave up the paci...72 hrs and counting without it!