Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weight-Loss Journal (so I can remember)

Start date: 8/10/10

Week 1 --Weigh-in stats: 8/17/10

Starting Weight: 165.8
Lost: 5.4
New weight: 160.4
Short Goal: 140lbs (by Oct 10)
ULTIMATE GOAL: 115-120lbs (by Jan 10 2011)

Week 2-- weigh in Stats
Started 160.4oz
Lost 3.0
Now weigh: 157.4oz
Total lost (2week)--8.4lbs

week3-- Weigh in
Started 157.4oz
lost- 1.14oz
Now weigh- 155.6oz
Total lost (3weeks) 10.2lbs

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another month gone by ... What are you up too ..

has just started the 4th grade...Man time is flying by!
is an extremly smart lil girl ..has had either A or A-B honor every school yr!
loves school!
Is infatuated with her baby brother ...since school has started she runs straight home and begs to hold him!
is a picky eater...
clothes: pants(sz 8 slim) shirts( 10/12)
weighs: 62lbs
height: 48in.

is in to everything! (and shes quick)
has a very sassy attitude!
says some of the cutest things ...esp when in trouble!
learned to ride a bike (W training wheels) in a matter of minutes...and isn't scared of it one bit, she flys around all the corners inside the house and goes faster and faster everyday! She has had a few spills but shakesit off and gets right back on!!
is a big help with her brother...loves to put his paci back in and take the "stinkies" outside to the big trash can.:)
Clothes: 4t-5t...depending on brand
Weighs: 34lbs
Height: 37in.

is smiling and laughing out loud more and more everyday!
takes a 6oz btl every 3 hrs(like clock work)
is sleeping better at night...(last night 8.11.10 you slept in your big boy bed for the first time and slept longer than you ever have..8.5 hrs ) 8:30-4:30 woke fed and went back to sleep until 8:45am ...Mommy is so proud of her big boy!!
just moved up to a size 3 diaper!
is to say the least you are a BIG boy...weighing right at 15lbs (fully dressed) already ( will know for sure an exact weight on Monday 8.16.10 after your docs appt)
is approx. 26in long
is a very happy boy...for the most part he just lays in the floor and plays on his play mat!
still at over 2 months of age does NOT like a swing! (His sisters loved theres)
loves his bouncy seat and loves to ride in the car!
can almost roll over from stomach to back ( he rocks when hes tucks his feet under him)
prefers sleeping on his tummy...thanks to his mommy for starting that haabit earlier than she should have ...but it works and he likes it!
loves bathtime.....hates it when you pick him up to dry him off....He SCREAMS!!
Cant sleep if its quiet (must have noise...wonder why? ;)...)
loves outside...and loved his first trip to the beach ...he would go straight to sleep when we got anywhere near the ocean and he could hear the waves crashing !!
All in All is a GREAT baby! I just hate that he is growing up SO fast! :*(

(To anyone reading this ....this is basically so that I can remember all that is going on in our crazy busy lives at this not bragging or anything like it....just have a hard time remembering if i dont write it down!)
Until next time,
Mommy of three AMAZING babes!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our God is Greater, Higher than any Other

One year ago, I was having terrible pains in my sides . A pain like I had never felt before. I'm not one to run to the doctor even when in pain, but this was bad. I called Jason home from work and I was waiting by the door when he pulled up. Off to the the doctor I went. They couldn't find the problem in the office, so they sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound. There they discovered several cysts on my ovaries had burst and were causing significant pain. The doctor was shocked that I had a two yr old at home because from the looks of things she said my ovaries were in such bad shape I shouldn't have been able to. Then the next news was a little hard to swallow....No more ovaries and uterus just could handle it. I came home told Jason the news and we both agreed that it was OK, God's will not ours! RIGHT? Two children were plenty and we were happy with just that.
Jason then decided to prevent any unexpected surprises in the future he would have a vasectomy. So, all of August goes by, September too, and he schedule the vasectomy for Mid October. For me this was bittersweet. The end of having children sadened me But having more was risky.
I decided in late September to really pray hard about the situation and if God saw fit he would overcome any obsticle that we would face .On October the 3rd, Jason and I planned a date night to the movies and out to dinner. All of the sudden I had an unshakable craving for a pickle...something I craved with all my pregnancies but not really caring for them any other time. So, my mind started to wonder "what if" . What if I'm preganant...What if God had given me the chance to be a mommy one more time? ....I wasn't "late" I should have actually started that day...but I varied from month to month by a day or so. On the way home I told Jason of my craving and that I didn't start that day, so he suggested that we stop and pick up a few test...couldn't hurt!
We arrived back home to two very active lil girls, sent the babysitter on her way, and tucked the girls in their beds. I couldn't wait til morning to find out, so I prayed. God if its your will...this test will be possitive and if not we go through with the vasectomy. The test ...all THREE were POSSITIVE! We were pregnant ...against all odds to hear my doctor tell it but I serve a God in the miracle working business!!!!
It wasn't an easy pregnancy ...I had several SCARES! Several bleeding incidents in the first trimester and lots of uterus troubles in my second....! Right at 12 weeks I started to show sign of serious uterine prolapse. Doctor Moersch said "looks like it going to a full hysterectomy upon delivery" !! She adviced very little activity and NO heavy lifting. This was hard! I was scared to death...I didn't want this. I immediatly started praying ...talked with some ladies at church...we were all praying!
We went for my 20 week ultrasound to find out what this precious addition would be...daddy so wanting another another girl but a boy would be awesome too. And a BOY it was! He was already measuring 2.5 weeks bigger than the normal fetus. Some think healthy ..yay, but in a mothers heart she wonders with all that gone on so this a bad sign? Is this a good sign...if needed to deliver early he's ahead of the game.
At my 28 week appt the doctor noticed the prolapse wasn't as visible and she seemed a bit confused. She said once it's that bad it usually doesn't fix itself. I just smiled and quietly said" Thankyou God"!!!
The next several weeks passed by slowly. With each visit ..the news got a little better! By the 36th week the Dr. had adviced we would just wait and see how the uterus did with birth and schedule the hysterectomy for after my six week check-up!
Mr. man decided to hang in there until 39 weeks and 3 days! He was born a very healthy 9#'s 4oz. and was doing very well! Another HUGE praise. Upon delivery Dr. Moresch said everything looked normal. NO SIGNS OF PROLAPSE! and at my six week check-up ....NO SIGNS OF PROLAPSE.