We went on a lovely picnic to Mt. cheaha on Saturday, November 8, 2008! It was a cool day we thought we had dressed appropriately. so, we set out on our adventure bags packs and ready fro fun! We picked up Subway sandwiches along the way. Upon arriving at Subways which is approx. 20 minutes from our destination I notice its way more windy than it was a home. (Good thing we packed extra jackets/blankets. When we arrived at Cheaha Lake it was gorgeous. The sun was out and it was beginning to warm up a little. (Keep in mind the high was 62 that day and we are on a Mountain!!) So, we found the perfect picnic area near the lake and enjoyed our lunch! Then on to the play ground where Savannah found her favorite thing....A go go(in English that's a SLIDE!) after the playground it was time for some fun pics!Come on do you actually think I live home without my camera PLASTERED to my face! After pics we Had to find a bathroom the ones a t the lake were CLOSED....WHAT??? We are near water just had lunch and now NO BATHROOM!! Jason was worse than the kids having to potty :)! After finally finding restrooms we went to lookout tower at this point the wind was blowing so hard Bre was having trouble walking straight ! NO JOKE! It got crazy windy so fast! So our day quickly came to an end! The made everyone go from happy to not so happy in no time! All together it was a wonderful trip! As is any I get to spend with my loving husband and children!
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