Thursday, July 15, 2010

5 Weeks old: What are you up to these days!?!

Blayden Pate you are 5 weeks old ALREADY !?! Where has the time gone??
You :
*TALK non stop( Your doctor could barely hear your heartbeat and keep count because you were talking so much and so loud)
*hardly ever have the cutest lil grunts to let me know when you are hungry, wet, soiled.. or just want to be held(which is happening more and more)
*need to see mommy...hearing her isn't good enough
*are holding your head up more and more everyday
*know our voices and you look for us when we are talking
*getting so BIG (7.12.10) you weighed 11# 6oz and 23 in long
* have moved to 3-6 month pjs (you are too long for your 0-3 month) everything else is still 0-3
* are in a size 2 diaper now
*SMILING but so far only at night/morning feedings...daddy has only seen these smiles in pictures.. you refuse to smile for him :(
*are a great car rider ( your lil sis WAS NOT)
*next week you will be going on your first big vacation( 7 nights in Gulf Shores,AL)

Your chubby lil cheeks just melt my heart and i'm learning your precious lil personality day by day! You are the most perfect lil baby(in my eyes anyway) ! Slow down ...Lets enjoy you being a baby! Love you my lil man!